Garden Mushrooms UK - How To

When it comes to growing mushrooms in a garden setting in the UK, one popular option is to cultivate mushrooms using mushroom kits or mushroom plugs. These kits and plugs are readily available and offer a convenient way to grow mushrooms outdoors. Here's a general overview of the process:

  1. Choose the Mushroom Variety: Select a mushroom variety that is suitable for outdoor cultivation in the UK. Some common choices include oyster mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, and wine cap mushrooms. Ensure the variety you choose is compatible with the UK climate.

  2. Obtain Mushroom Kits or Plugs: Purchase mushroom kits or plugs from reputable suppliers or specialized mushroom growers. These kits usually come with everything you need to get started, including the growing medium, mushroom spawn, and detailed instructions.

  3. Prepare the Growing Area: Choose a suitable location in your garden for mushroom cultivation. It should be an area with partial shade, as direct sunlight can be too intense for mushrooms. Prepare the soil or substrate, following the instructions provided with the kit or plugs.

  4. Inoculation: If you're using mushroom kits, follow the instructions for inoculating the growing medium with the mushroom spawn. This typically involves mixing the spawn with the provided substrate and creating a suitable growing environment. If you're using mushroom plugs, follow the instructions for inserting the plugs into pre-drilled holes in logs or other suitable materials.

  5. Maintain the Growing Environment: Mushrooms require specific conditions to grow successfully. Monitor and maintain the temperature, humidity, and moisture levels as recommended for the particular mushroom variety you are cultivating. Mist the growing area regularly to maintain humidity, and provide shade if needed.

  6. Patience and Care: Mushroom cultivation requires patience as the mycelium colonizes the growing medium. Follow the instructions provided with your kit or plugs regarding watering, care, and any necessary maintenance. Be diligent in observing any signs of pests or diseases and take appropriate action if needed.

  7. Harvesting: As the mushrooms grow, they will mature and be ready for harvest. Different mushroom varieties have different harvesting techniques, so refer to the instructions specific to your chosen variety. Harvest mushrooms when they reach the desired size and before they begin to decay.

Remember to research the specific requirements and instructions for the mushroom variety you choose, as they can vary. Growing mushrooms outdoors in the UK can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience, allowing you to harvest your own delicious mushrooms from your garden.